Positive Discipline for Parents of Preschoolers is a six week, hands-on and interactive parenting course, designed for parents of children ages 3-6, that teaches them tools for positive discipline that really work! In this 15 hour course, you will learn:
- 52 non-punitive, mutually respectful parenting tools that invite cooperation
- long-term parenting and the role of kindness and firmness in raising children who are responsible, respectful and resourceful
- age-appropriateness and how to teach and empower
- how to nurture your child’s growing brain
- “I can do it!”- how to encourage initiative and discourage manipulation
- ways to minimize sibling rivalry
- methods to reduce power struggles and create more peace in the home
- how to minimize bedtime and morning hassles and the role of routine charts
- the difference between enabling vs. empowering for young children
- emotions and the art of communication
- the importance of building children’s “disappointment muscles” and nurturing resiliency
- the difference between praise and encouragement
- sleeping, eating and toileting- how to encourage cooperation
- the messages of misbehavior and how to break the code
- the importance of focusing on solutions instead of punishment
- natural and logical consequences
- how to establish family meetings and the importance of joint problem-solving
- ways to aid your child in the development of social skills
- resources and support for nurturing a healthy and united family
- ways to be more effective as a parent and have fun in the process

Please refer to the upcoming courses page for current information.
The text for this course is Positive Discipline for Preschoolers by Jane Nelsen, Cheryl Erwin and Roslyn Duffy. Click here to purchase the text book and the Positive Discipline tool cards.